Journal of Neuro-Oncology

Editor: Jason Sheehan, MD, PhD


The JNO Webinar series “Tumor Talk” continues to help promote published works. Recent data from analyzing Tumor Talk shows:

  1. High participant satisfaction
  2. Webinars draw >200 views on average on Cassyni and more on YouTube
  3. 8-20% of future publications in JNO come from participants or viewers of Cassyni based Tumor Talk webinars

JNO is truly an international journal with submissions from across the globe. The distribution of accepted works is:

Springer has broad Institutional Open Access Agreements with many institutions and countries. Covered countries and institutions now include the following: The University of California, Austria, Australia and New Zealand, Carnegie Mellon, MIT, Columbia, Canada, Sweden, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Egypt, Finland, Portugal, Poland, South Africa, Netherlands, Qatar, Spain, Norway, Switzerland and the UK. Thus, if published in JNO, your work originating from one of these institutions qualifies for open access publication with any open access fees covered by the publisher’s agreement.  This is distinctly different from other journals in this space. Please see the following link for more details.

Institutional Agreements | Open research | Springer Nature Open access allows your JNO publication to be more easily accessed by clinicians and researchers thereby enhancing it’s visibility.

In 2023, Dr. Cifarelli completed a special collection on Adjuvant Management of Surgically Resected Brain Tumors, and Dr. Lee from Taipei completed a special collection The role of Surgery and SRS in the era of target therapy and immunotherapy on brain metastasis.  Other JNO special collections are underway including one on pituitary adenomas led by Dr. Gab Zada and one about innovation and technology in neurosurgical oncology by Drs. Germano and Cifarelli. In addition, we have launched a young investigators special collection to highlight works of emerging leaders in neuro-oncology. Submissions for these special collections are being sought.

Drs. Shepard and Mehta continue to lead the JNO social media channels. Be sure to follow JNO’s social media on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for the latest updates.

Also, Randy D’Amico continues the very popular JNO webinar series featured on YouTube and Cassyni with DOI’s assigned for each Tumor Talk.

JNO is including more visual abstracts to submissions. These can also be deployed on social media channels to raise awareness of the works published in JNO.

Thank you for the tremendous efforts provided by our outstanding reviewers, editorial board members and associate editors.

Please contact me with your recommendations and suggestions for JNO. Involvement as a reviewer or special collection editor are welcomed. I can be reached at